What is a Cyber Attack?
A cyber attack is when an unauthorized party develops a malicious piece of code called malware that enables them to gain access to your information systems. In doing this, attackers can manipulate, steal or encrypt data, impersonate or even influence an insider attack. Cyber attacks can be launched by either a single attacker or a group of attackers.

Break down of the Top 5 Cyber Attacks of 2021
1. Colonial Pipeline Ransomware Attack
Attackers launched malware gaining access to both servers and computers through an employee’s VPN connection. An investigation revealed attackers were able to use credentials that were leaked on the dark web. This ransomware attack forced the 57-year-old company to shut down for the first time since opening its doors. Because Colonial Pipeline transports 2.5 million barrels daily to the east coast this attack caused a momentarily gas shortage.
2. Irish Health Services Attack
The cyber attack on HSE (Health Service Executive) was one of the largest ransomware attacks on a healthcare provider internationally. Attackers successfully launched a ransomware attack that crippled the healthcare system, which caused major disruptions at facilities. Attackers were able to use a remote access tool to gain unauthorized access to the HSE network, attackers were also able to compromise credentials and move laterally to admin accounts. It is unknown if HSE paid the ransom however a decryption key was delivered and services were restored.
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3. Stolen COVID Data
You get so busy keeping attackers out of your network that you overlook your own employees, well Pfizer found this out the hard way. It was reported that an employee uploaded 12,000 files that included confidential Pfizer documents to a personal google drive This insider attack caused the leak of proprietary information about the COVID-19 vaccine. The employee was caught and is currently under investigation.
4. Blackmatter Attack
BlackMatter is a known ransomware gang that is responsible for numerous cyber attacks on large organizations. They have developed malicious ransomware built from some of the most sophisticated viruses like Bitlocker, Darkside, and REVIL. This malware allows attackers to gain remote access to your systems and encrypt data. Next, they demand victims pay large amounts of cryptocurrency. The FBI has released advisories and recommended best practices.
5. JBS Foods
JBS Food is one of the largest distributors of fresh meat in the US and Canada. In June 2021 they were targeted and hit with a ransomware attack that crippled their systems. This attack would have caused an untold amount of damage to the food industry, so unlike a lot of companies, JBS Foods paid the 11 million dollar ransom. Once payment was received systems were restored and since then JBS has reported upgrading its systems to prevent attacks like that from occurring in the future.
You can learn more about the Top Cyber Attacks of 2021 in the articles by Computer Weekly & The Security Professionals.
Costs of Cyber Crime
Depending on the size of the business or organization hit with a data breach, it can cost anywhere from $25 per minute to $2.9 million per minute. It has been estimated to take approximately 280 days to track down a cyber attack, companies can be looking at a cost on average of $3.86 million to respond, react, and recover from a cyber-attack.

Cyber Security Risks
With the calculations of a cyber attack happening every 18 minutes, 2020 was reported to be the worst year and there is nothing to show it will get any better. Distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks are projected to increase due to companies’ budgets decreasing affecting the quality of cybersecurity their data receives.
Reduce Your Cyber Attack Risks Today
Although we covered the Top Cyber Attacks of 2021, the real issue is the thousands of small to medium-sized businesses who become victims of Cyber Attacks. Sure, major corporations are hit hard by these attacks but they often have mitigation & recovery plans in place. We at OQP Solutions aim to educate SMBs on prevention methods while offering our Disaster Recovery Plans for those who need them the most. SMBs are typically the most vulnerable to Cyber Attacks & often face unrecoverable situations. Schedule a FREE Consultation to discuss your business’s Cyber Security risks & how we can help to mitigate & prevent those devastating attacks.